郝宇,男,1983年2月生,湖北黄石人。武汉大学物理学与经济学双学士(2005)、北京师范大学经济学硕士(2008),德国汉堡大学经济学博士(2012)。现就职于北京理工大学经济学院应用经济系,教授,博士生导师,应用经济系主任,国家社会科学基金重大项目首席专家。获2017年度霍英东教育基金会第十六届高等院校青年教师奖。入选2022年“科睿唯安”高被引科学家榜单,2020年-2023年“爱思唯尔中国高被引学者”,“全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists)和全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单,获评Energy Economics最佳论文奖(2021年),H指数75。兼任国际(澳门)学术研究院经济管理研究所研究员,东盟东亚经济研究所(ERIA)顾问,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会能源经济与管理研究分会常务理事。任学术期刊Journal of Economic Analysis 和Universal Journal of Financial Economics主编,Innovation and Green Development编辑,以及Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management等著名学术期刊特刊(Special Issue)编辑,Sustainable Development期刊编委,Energy Economics, Ecological Economics等100余份知名学术期刊匿名评审。讲授高级宏观经济学、管理经济学、应用统计学、宏观经济学(全英文)等课程。获评2019年北京市普通高校优秀本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师。指导多个本科生团队完成国家级和北京市级大学生创新训练项目,并获评2016年和2018年度北京理工大学“十佳优秀大学生创新训练项目”指导教师。目前的主要研究方向为宏观经济、能源经济、环境政策等,主持包括国家社科基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金国际合作(中德)项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目在内的国家级和省部级纵向研究课题11项。迄今为止已在Journal of Business Ethics, Environmental and Resource Economics, The Energy Journal,Ecological Economics, Energy Economics, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Journal of Environmental Management, 中国软科学 等国内外著名学术期刊发表高水平学术论文一百余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表(含接受)SCI/SSCI论文165篇,其中AJG/ABS星级期刊列表3星以上期刊论文42篇,2星以上期刊论文92篇,ESI高被引论文(前1%)52篇,热点论文(前0.1%)24篇,出版学术专著3部(独著1部)。
[1] Wu, Haitao., Luo, Shiyue., Li, Suixin., Xue, Yan., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Fostering Urban Inclusive Green Growth: Does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Matter? Journal of Business Ethics 189: 677-698. (SSCI,FT50,AJG/ABS三星)
[2] Wu, Haitao., Zhong, Ruohan., Wang, Zhen., Qu, Yuanfeng., Yang, Xiaodong., Hao, Yu*. 2024. How does industrial intellectualization affect energy intensity? Evidence from China. The Energy Journal 45(2). DOI: 10.5547/01956574.45.2.hawu. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[3] Yang, Chuxiao., Wu, Haitao., Guo, Yunxia., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Possible carbon circular pathway exploration for oil transition under the consideration of energy supply constraint and uncertainty. Ecological Economics 222: 108224. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[4] Fu, Shuke., Ge, Yingchen., Hao, Yu*., Peng, Jiachao., Tian, Jiali. 2024. Energy supply chain efficiency in the digital era: Evidence from China’s listed companies. Energy Economics 134: 107597. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[5] Deng, Zhenxing., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Energy price uncertainty, environmental policy, and firm investment: A dynamic modeling approach. Energy Economics 130: 107306. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[6] Gao, Zhiyuan., Li, Lianqing., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Financial risk under the shock of global warming: Evidence from China. Business Strategy and Environment 33: 335–351. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[7] Luo, Shiyue., Yu, Mengyao., Dong, Yilan., Hao, Yu*., Li, Changping., Wu, Haitao. 2024. Toward urban high-quality development: Evidence from more intelligent Chinese cities. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 200: 123108. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[8] Gao, Zhiyuan., Zhao, Ying., Li, Lianqing., Hao, Yu*. 2024. The environmental consequences of national Audit governance: An analysis based on county-level data in China. Journal of Environmental Management 359: 120976. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[9] Hao, Xiaoli., Wen, Shufang., Zhu, Jianing., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Can business managerial capacity improve green innovation in different industries? Evidence from Chinese listed companies. Business Strategy and Environment 33: 2600–2620. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[10] Gao, Zhiyuan., Zhang, Yahui., Li, Lianqing., Hao, Yu. 2024. Will resource tax reform raise green total factor productivity levels in cities? Evidence from 114 resource-based cities in China. Resources Policy 88: 104483. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[11] Hao, Yu*., Liu, Shiyao., Zhao, Aiai., Yan, Guoyao. 2024. How Does Digital Financial Inclusion Affect Energy Usage? Evidence from Prefecture-Level Cities in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 60(4): 769-792. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[12] Gao, Zhiyuan., Li, Lianqing., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Resource industry dependence and high-quality economic development of Chinese style: Reexamining the effect of the “Resource Curse”. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 68: 1-16. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[13] Li, Yunwei., Zhong, Ruohan., Wang, Zhen., Yu, Manxi., Irfan, Muhammad., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Would the inequality of environmental quality affect labor productivity and the income gap? Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 67(1): 25-58. (SSCI)
[14] Hao, Xiaoli., Liang, Yi., Yang, Cunyi., Wu, Haotao., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Can Industrial Digitalization Promote Regional Green Technology Innovation? Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 9: 100463 (SSCI)
[15] Gao, Zhiyuan., Zhao, Ying., Li, Lianqing., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Economic effects of sustainable energy technology progress under carbon reduction targets: An analysis based on a dynamic multi-regional CGE model. Applied Energy 363: 123071. (SCI)
[16] Wu, Haitao., Sun, Mengzhe., Zhang, Wenjia., Guo, Yunxia., Irfan Muhammad., Lu, Mingyue., Hao, Yu*. 2024. Can urbanization move ahead with energy conservation and emission reduction? New evidence from China. Energy & Environment 35(3): 1288-1314. (SSCI)
[17] Guo, Yunxia., Yu, Mengyao., Xu, Mingchen., Tang, Ying., Huang, Jingran., Liu, Jia., Hao, Yu*. 2023. Productivity gains from green finance: A holistic and regional examination from China. Energy Economics 127: 107105. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[18] Zhang, Shengling., Dou, Wei., Wu, Zihao., Hao, Yu*. 2023. Does the financial support to rural areas help to reduce carbon emissions? Evidence from China. Energy Economics 127: 107057. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[19] Wu, Haitao., Wang, Bingjie., Lu, Mingyue., Irfan, Muhammad., Miao, Xin., Luo, Shiyue., Hao, Yu*. 2023. The strategy to achieve zero‑carbon in agricultural sector: Does digitalization matter under the background of COP26 targets? Energy Economics 126: 106916. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[20] Li, Yunwei., Chen, Kui., Ding, Ruixin., Zhang, Jing., Hao, Yu*. 2023. How do photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects relieve household energy poverty? Evidence from China. Energy Economics 118: 106514. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[21] Irfan, Munir., Rehman, Mubeen Abdur., Razzaq, Asif., Hao, Yu*. 2023. What derives renewable energy transition in G-7 and E-7 countries? The role of financial development and mineral markets. Energy Economics 121: 106661. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2024年5月入选ESI高被引论文)
[22] Xu, Lu., Wang, Chunxiao., Ba, Ning., Hao, Yu*. 2023. On the urban resource and environment carrying capacity in China: A sustainable development paradigm. Journal of Environmental Management 342: 118212. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[23] Liu, Yuanhong., Hao, Yu*. 2023. How does coordinated regional digital economy development improve air quality? New evidence from the spatial simultaneous equation analysis. Journal of Environmental Management 342: 118235. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[24] Hao, Xiaoli., Li, Yuhong., Ren, Siyu., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2023. The role of digitalization on green economic growth: Does industrial structure optimization and green innovation matter? Journal of Environmental Management 325: 116504. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年7月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[25] Hao, Yu*., Wang, Chunxiao., Yan, Guoyao., Irfan, Muhammad., Chang, Chun-Ping. 2023. Identifying the nexus among environmental performance, digital finance, and green innovation: New evidence from prefecture-level cities in China. Journal of Environmental Management 325: 117554. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年11月入选ESI高被引论文)
[26] Luo, Shiyue., Yimamu, Nafisa., Li, Yueran., Wu, Haitao., Irfan, Muhammad., Hao, Yu*. 2023. Digitalization and sustainable development: How could digital economy development improve green innovation in China? Business Strategy and Environment 32: 1847–1871. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年5月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[27] Hao, Xiaoli., Wen, Shufang., Xue, Yan., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2023. How to improve environment, resources and economic efficiency in the digital era? Resources Policy 80: 103198. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[28] Hao, Xiaoli., Wen, Shufang., Li, Ke., Wu, Junwei., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2023. Environmental governance, executive incentive, and enterprise performance: Evidence from Chinese mineral enterprises. Resources Policy 85: 103858. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[29] Hao, Yu., Li, Yujia., Shen, Zhiyang*. 2023. Does carbon emission trading contribute to reducing infectious diseases? Evidence from China. Growth and Change 54: 74–100. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[30] Mao, Jun., Xie, Jiahao., Hu, Zunguo., Deng, Lijie., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2023. Sustainable development through green innovation and resource allocation in cities: Evidence from machine learning. Sustainable Development 31: 2386–2401. (SSCI,2023年11月入选ESI高被引论文)
[31] Gao, Zhiyuan., Li, Lianqing., Hao, Yu*. 2023. Dynamic evolution and driving forces of carbon emission efficiency in China: New evidence based on the RBM-ML model. Gondwana Research 116: 25–39. (SCI)
[32] Hao, Xiaoli., Wang, Xinhui., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2023. Path to sustainable development: Does digital economy matter in manufacturing green total factor productivity? Sustainable Development 31: 360–378. (SSCI,2023年11月入选ESI高被引论文)
[33] Yang, Chuxiao., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*., Wang, Zhaohua. 2022. Promoting economic and environmental resilience in the post-COVID-19 era through the city and regional on-road fuel sustainability development. npj Urban Sustainability 2: 33. (Nature子刊)
[34] Ren, Siyu., Hao, Yu*., Wu, Haitao. 2022. How Does Green Investment Affect Environmental Pollution? Evidence from China. Environmental and Resource Economics 81: 25-51. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年9月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[35] Li, Yunwei., Ning, Xiao., Wang, Zijie., Cheng, Jingyu., Li, Fumeng., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Would energy poverty affect the wellbeing of senior citizens? Evidence from China. Ecological Economics 200: 107515. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[36] Yan, Guoyao., Hao, Yu*., Guo, Yunxia., Wu, Haitao. 2022. Are environmental problems a barometer of corruption in the eyes of residents? Evidence from China. Kyklos 75: 337–361. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[37] Zhang, Shengling., Wu, Zihao., He, Yinan., Hao, Yu*. 2022. How does the green credit policy affect the technological innovation of enterprises? Evidence from China. Energy Economics 113: 106236. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[38] Li, Yunwei., Long, Wenjing., Ning, Xiao., Zhu, Yumeng., Guo, Yifan., Huang, Zhou., Hao, Yu*. 2022. How can China's sustainable development be damaged in consequence of financial misallocation? Analysis from the perspective of regional innovation capability. Business Strategy and Environment 31: 3649-3668. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[39] Hao, Yu., Huang, Jingwen., Guo., Yunxia., Wu, Haitao*., Ren, Siyu*. 2022. Does the legacy of state planning put pressure on ecological efficiency? Evidence from China. Business Strategy and Environment 31: 3100-3121. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[40] Shen, Zhiyang., Wang, Songkai., Boussemart, Jean-Philippe., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Digital transition and green growth in Chinese agriculture. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 181: 121742. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年5月入选ESI高被引论文)
[41] Hao, Yu., Guo, Yunxia., Wu, Haitao*. 2022. The role of information and communication technology on green total factor energy efficiency: Does environmental regulation work? Business Strategy and Environment 31: 403-424. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年11月入选ESI热点论文)
[42] Chai, Jingxia., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Planned economic growth and controlled energy demand: How do regional growth targets affect energy consumption in China? Technological Forecasting & Social Change 185: 122068. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年5月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[43] Hao, Yu., Xu, Lu., Guo, Yunxia., Wu, Haitao*. 2022. The inducing factors of environmental emergencies: Do environmental decentralization and regional corruption matter? Journal of Environmental Management 302: 114098. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[44] Shen, Zhiyang., Wu, Haitao, Bai, Kaixuan., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Integrating economic, environmental and societal performance within the productivity measurement. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 176: 121463. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年5月入选ESI高被引论文)
[45] Ren, Siyu., Hao, Yu*., Wu, Haitao. 2022. Digitalization and environment governance: does internet development reduce environmental pollution? Business Strategy and Environment 66: 1533-1562. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年5月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[46] Irfan, Muhammad., Elavarasan, Rajvikram Madurai., Ahmad, Munir., Mohsin, Muhammad., Dagar, Vishal., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Prioritizing and overcoming biomass energy barriers: Application of AHP and G-TOPSIS approaches. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 177: 121524. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年3月入选ESI高被引论文,2023年5月入选热点论文)
[47] Xue, Yan., Tang, Chang., Wu, Haitao., Liu, Jianmin., Hao, Yu*. 2022. The emerging driving force of energy consumption in China: Does digital economy development matter? Energy Policy 165: 112997. (SCI/SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2023年1月入选ESI高被引论文)
[48] Hao, Yu., Li, Ying., Guo, Yunxia., Chai, Jingxia., Yang, Chuxiao., Wu, Haitao*. 2022. Digitalization and electricity consumption: Does internet development contribute to the reduction in electricity intensity in China?. Energy Policy 164: 112912. (SCI/SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2023年1月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[49] Gai, Zhiqiang., Guo, Yunxia., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Can internet development help break the resource curse? Evidence from China. Resources Policy 75: 102519. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2023年5月入选ESI高被引论文)
[50] Ren, Siyu., Hao, Yu*., Wu, Haitao. 2022. The role of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) on green total factor energy efficiency: Does institutional quality matters? Evidence from China. Resources Policy 76: 102587. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2023年1月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[51] Xue, Yan., Jiang, Caidong., Guo, Yunxia., Liu, Jianmin., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Corporate Social Responsibility and High-quality Development: Do Green Innovation, Environmental Investment and Corporate Governance Matter? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 58(11): 3191-3214. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2023年11月入选ESI高被引论文)
[52] Wu, Haitao., Ning, Ba., Ren, Siyu., Xu, Lu., Chai, Jingxia., Irfan, Muhammad., Hao, Yu*., Lu, Zhi-Nan. 2022. The impact of internet development on the health of Chinese residents: Transmission mechanisms and empirical tests. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 81: 101178. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2023年1月入选ESI高被引论文)
[53] Lu, Zhi-Nan., Zhao, Mingyuan., Guo, Yunxia., Hao, Yu*. 2022. Evaluating PM2.5-Related health costs in China—Evidence from 140 Chinese cities. International Journal of Health Planning and Management 37: 2376–2394. (SSCI)
[54] Ren, Shuming., Li, Lianqing., Han, Yueqi., Hao, Yu*., Wu, Haitao. 2022. The emerging driving force of inclusive green growth: Does digital economy agglomeration work? Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 31: 1656–1678. (SSCI,2022年11月入选ESI高被引论文,2023年1月入选热点论文)
[55] Tang, Chang., Xue, Yan., Wu, Haitao., Irfan, Muhammad., Hao, Yu*. 2022. How does telecommunications infrastructure affect eco-efficiency? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Technology in Society 69: 101963. (SCI,2023年5月入选ESI高被引论文)
[56] Bai, Kaixuan., Irfan, Muhammad., Hao, Yu*. 2022. How does industrial transfer affect environmental quality? Evidence from China. Journal of Asian Economics 82: 101530. (SSCI)
[57] Irfan, Muhammad., Razzaq, Asif., Suksatan, Wanich., Sharif, Arshian., Elavarasan, Rajvikram Madurai., Yang, Chuxiao., Hao, Yu*., Rauf, Abdul. 2022. Asymmetric impact of temperature on COVID-19 spread in India: Evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression approach. Journal of Thermal Biology 104: 103101. (SCI,2022年7月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[58] Wu, Haitao., Xue, Yan., Hao, Yu*., Ren, Siyu. 2021. How does internet development affect energy-saving and emission reduction? Evidence from China. Energy Economics 103: 105577. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2023年1月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[59] Tang, Chang., Xu, Yuanyuan., Hao, Yu*., Wu, Haitao., Xue, Yan. 2021. What is the role of telecommunications infrastructure construction in green technology innovation? A firm-level analysis for China. Energy Economics 103: 105576. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2022年11月入选ESI高被引论文)
[60] Zhang, Shengling., Wang, Yao., Hao, Yu*., Liu, Zhiwei. 2021. Shooting two hawks with one arrow: Could China’s emission trading scheme promote green development efficiency and regional carbon equality? Energy Economics 101: 105412. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星, 2022年11月入选ESI热点论文)
[61] Ren, Siyu., Hao, Yu*., Wu, Haitao. 2021. Government corruption, market segmentation and renewable energy technology innovation: Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management 300: 113686. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[62] Hao, Yu*., Zhang, Zong-Yong., Yang, Chuxiao., Wu, Haitao. 2021. Does structural labor change affect CO2 emissions? Theoretical and empirical evidence from China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 171: 120936. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[63] Zhang, Shengling., Wu, Zihao., Wang, Yao., Hao, Yu*. 2021. Fostering green development with green finance: An empirical study on the environmental effect of green credit policy in China. Journal of Environmental Management 296: 113159. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[64] Chai, Jingxia., Hao, Yu*., Wu, Haitao., Yang, Yuemiao. 2021. Do constraints created by economic growth targets benefit sustainable development? Evidence from China. Business Strategy and Environment 30: 4188–4205. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[65] Ren, Siyu., Hao, Yu*., Xu, Lu., Wu, Haitao., Ba, Ning. 2021. Digitalization and energy: How does internet development affect China’s energy consumption? Energy Economics 98: 105220. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2022年7月入选ESI热点论文)
[66] Yang, Chuxiao., Hao, Yu*., Irfan, Muhammad. 2021. Energy consumption structural adjustment and carbon neutrality in the post-COVID-19 era. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 59: 442–453. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2022年7月入选ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
[67] Yang, Qi-Cheng., Chen, Xia., Chang, Chun-Ping., Chen, Di., Hao, Yu*. 2021. What is the relationship between government response and COVID-19 pandemics? Global evidence of 118 countries. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 59: 98-107. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[68] Zhang, Jinning., Wang, Jianlong., Yang, Xiaodong., Ren, Siyu., Ran, Qiying., Hao, Yu*. 2021. Does local government competition aggravate haze pollution? A new perspective of factor market distortion. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 76: 100959. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2022年7月入选ESI高被引论文)
[69] Wu, Haitao., Xia, Yufeng., Yang, Xiaodong., Hao, Yu*., Ren, Siyu. 2021. Does environmental pollution promote China’s crime rate? A new perspective through government official corruption. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 57: 292–307. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[70] Yan, Guoyao., Peng, Yanling., Hao, Yu*., Irfan, Muhammad., Wu, Haitao. 2021. Household head’s educational level and household education expenditure in China: The mediating effect of social class identification. International Journal of Educational Development 83: 102400. (SSCI)
[71] Hao, Yu*., Bai, Hanyu., Sun, Shiwei. 2021. How does COVID-19 affect tourism in terms of people’s willingness to travel? Empirical evidence from China. Tourism Review 76(4): 892-909. (SSCI)
[72] Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*., Ren, Siyu., Yang, Xiaodong., Xie, Guo. 2021. Does internet development improve green total factor energy efficiency? Evidence from China. Energy Policy 153: 112247. (SCI/SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2022年7月入选ESI高被引论文,2023年1月入选热点论文)
[73] Hao, Yu., Ba, Ning., Ren, Siyu., Wu, Haitao*. 2021. How does international technology spillover affect China’s carbon emissions? A new perspective through intellectual property protection. Sustainable Production and Consumption 25: 577–590. (SSCI,2021年11月入选ESI高被引论文)
[74] Irfan, Muhammad., Elavarasan, Rajvikram Madurai., Hao, Yu*., Feng, Mingjia., Sailan, Dai. 2021. An assessment of consumers’ willingness to utilize solar energy in China: End-users’ perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 259: 120759. (SCI,2021年11月入选ESI高被引论文,2022年3月入选热点论文)
[75] Hao, Yu., Gai, Zhiqiang., Yan, Guanpeng., Wu, Haitao., Muhammad Irfan. 2021. The spatial spillover effect and nonlinear relationship analysis between environmental decentralization, government corruption and air pollution: Evidence from China. Science of the Total Environment 763: 144183. (SCI,2022年7月入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
[76] Hao, Yu*., Liu, Jiahui., Lu, Zhi-Nan., Shi, Ruijie., Wu, Haotao. 2021. Impact of income inequality and fiscal decentralization on public health: Evidence from China Economic Modelling 94: 934–944. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[77] Irfan, Muhammad. Hao, Yu*., Ikram, Muhammad, Wu, Haitao, Akram, Rabia., Rauf, Abdul. 2021. Assessment of the public acceptance and utilization of renewable energy in Pakistan. Sustainable Production and Consumption 27: 312–324. (SSCI,2021年11月入选ESI高被引和热点论文)
[78] Wu, Haitao., Ren, Siyu., Yan Guoyao., Hao, Yu*. 2020. Does China's outward direct investment improve green total factor productivity in the “Belt and Road” countries? Evidence from dynamic threshold panel model analysis. Journal of Environmental Management 275: 111295. (SCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[79] Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*., Ren, Siyu. 2020. How do environmental regulation and environmental decentralization affect green total factor energy efficiency: Evidence from China. Energy Economics 91: 104880. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星,2021年5月入选ESI高被引论文,2022年7月入选热点论文)
[80] Huang, Junbing., Lai, Yali., Wang, Yajun., Hao, Yu*. 2020. Energy-saving research and development activities and energy intensity in China: A regional comparison perspective. Energy 213: 118758. (SCI)
[81] Irfan, Muhammad., Hao, Yu*., Panjwani, Manoj Kumar., Khan, Danish., Chandio, Abbas Ali., Li, Heng. 2020. Competitive assessment of South Asia’s wind power industry: SWOT analysis and value chain combined model. Energy Strategy Reviews 32: 100540. (SCI)
[82] Hao, Yu*., Wang, Ling-Ou., Chen, Xi-Sheng., Wang, Lu. 2020. THE DETERMINANTS OF WASTE-SORTING INTENTION AND BEHAVIOR AMONG CHINESE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: A CASE STUDY IN BEIJING. The Singapore Economic Review 65(03): 627-652. (SSCI)
[83] Wang, Ling-Ou., Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*. 2020. How does China’s land finance affect its carbon emissions? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 54: 267-281. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[84] Hao, Yu*., Wang, Yingting., Wu, Qiuwei., Sun, Shiwei., Wang, Weilu., Cui, Menglin. 2020. What affects residents' participation in the circular economy for sustainable development? Evidence from China. Sustainable Development 28: 1251-1268. (SSCI)
[85] Hao, Yu., Gai, Zhiqiang., Wu, Haitao. 2020. How do resource misallocation and government corruption affect green total factor energy efficiency? Evidence from China. Energy Policy 143: 111562. (SCI/SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2021年11月入选ESI高被引论文)
[86] Wu, Haitao., Xu, Lina., Ren, Siyu., Hao, Yu*., Yan, Guoyao. 2020. How do energy consumption and environmental regulation affect carbon emissions in China? New evidence from a dynamic threshold panel model. Resources Policy 67: 101678. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2021年7月入选ESI高被引论文)
[87] Hao, Yu*., Chen, Yu-Fu., Liao, Hua., Wei, Yi-Ming. 2020. China's fiscal decentralization and environmental quality: theory and an empirical study. Environment and Development Economics 25: 159-181. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2021年5月入选ESI高被引论文)
[88] Hao, Yu*., Hao, Xinyi., Li, Yunwei., Zhang, Yiran., Wu, Haitao. 2020. How does air quality affect the willingness of graduate students to stay? Evidence from Beijing city, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 259: 120759. (SCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[89] Hao, Yu., Wang, Ling-Ou., Lee, Chien-Chiang*. 2020. Financial development, energy consumption and China's economic growth: New evidence from provincial panel data. International Review of Economics & Finance 69: 1132-1151. (SSCI,2021年5月入选ESI高被引论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[90] Ran, Qiying., Zhang, Jinning., Hao, Yu*. 2020. Does environmental decentralization exacerbate China's carbon emissions? Evidence based on dynamic threshold effect analysis. Science of the Total Environment 721: 137656. (SCI)
[91] Zhang, Shengling., Li, Yu., Zhang Yipeng., Lu Zhi-Nan., Hao, Yu*. 2020. Does sanitation infrastructure in rural areas affect migrant workers’ health? Empirical evidence from China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 42: 625–646. (SCI)
[92] Wu, Haitao., Gai, Zhiqiang., Guo, Yunxia., Li, Yunwei., Hao, Yu*., Lu, Zhi-Nan. 2020. Does environmental pollution inhibit urbanization in China? A new perspective through residents’ medical and health costs. Environmental Research 182: 109128. (SCI)
[93] Wu, Haitao., Li, Yunwei., Hao, Yu*., Ren, Siyu., Zhang, Pengfei. 2020. Environmental decentralization, local government competition, and regional green development: Evidence from China. Science of the Total Environment 708: 135085. (SCI,2020年9月入选ESI高被引论文)
[94] Hao, Yu., Zheng, Shaoqing., Zhao, Mingyuan., Wu, Haitao.*, Guo, Yunxia., Li, Yunwei. 2020. Reexamining the relationships among urbanization, industrial structure, and environmental pollution in China—New evidence using the dynamic threshold panel model. Energy Reports 6: 28-39. (SCI,2021年3月入选ESI热点论文)
[95] Hao, Yu., Guo, Yunxia., Guo, Yitong., Wu, Haitao., Ren, Siyu. 2020. Does outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) affect the home country’s environmental quality? The case of China. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 52: 109-119. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2020年7月入选ESI高被引论文,2021年1月入选ESI热点论文)
[96] Hao, Yu., Zhao, Mingyuan., Lu, Zhinan. 2019. What is the health cost of haze pollution? Evidence from China. International Journal of Health Planning and Management 34:1290–1303. (SSCI)
[97] Hao, Yu*., Hu, Xinlei., Chen, Heyin. 2019. On the relationship between water use and economic growth in China: New evidence from simultaneous equation model analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 235: 953-965. (SCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[98] Fan., Weiyang., Hao, Yu*. 2020. An empirical research on the relationship amongst renewable energy consumption, economic growth and foreign direct investment in China. Renewable Energy 146: 598-609. (SCI,2020年7月入选ESI高被引论文)
[99] Hao, Yu*., Huang, Zirui., Wu, Haitao. 2019. Do Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth Decouple in China? An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data. Energies 12: 2411. (SCI)
[100] Hao, Yu*., Zhang, Tianli., Jing, Leijie., Xiao, Linqi. 2019. Would the decoupling of electricity occur along with economic growth? Empirical evidence from the panel data analysis for 100 Chinese cities. Energy 180: 615-625. (SCI)
[101] Zhu, Lingyun., Hao, Yu*., Lu, Zhi-Nan., Wu, Haitao., Ran, Qiying. 2019. Do economic activities cause air pollution? Evidence from China’s major cities. Sustainable Cities and Society 49: 101593. (SCI,2021年1月入选ESI高被引论文)
[102] Wu, Haitao., Hao, Yu*., Weng, Jia-His. 2019. How does energy consumption affect China's urbanization? New evidence from dynamic threshold panel models. Energy Policy 127: 24-38. (SCI/SSCI,2020年7月入选ESI热点论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[103] Hao, Yu*., Liu, Hao., Chen, Hongjie., Sha, Yanhua., Ji, Hanfeng., Fan, Jiajia. 2019. What affect consumers’ willingness to pay for green packaging? Evidence from China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 141: 21-29. (SCI)
[104] Hao, Yu*., Liu, Shuang., Jiesisibieke, Zhuli. Duzi., & Xu, Yi-Jie. (2019). What determines university students’ online consumer credit? Evidence from China. SAGE Open 9(1): 2158244019833594. (SSCI)
[105] Hao, Yu., Wu, Yerui., Wang, Lu*., Huang, Junbing. 2018. Re-examine environmental Kuznets curve in China: Spatial estimations using environmental quality index. Sustainable Cities and Society 42: 498-511. (SCI)
[106] Liu, Yunyang., Hao, Yu*. 2018. The dynamic links between CO2 emissions, energy consumption and economic development in the countries along “the Belt and Road”. Science of the Total Environment 645: 674–683. (SCI,2019年5月入选ESI热点论文)
[107] Chen, Heyin., Hao, Yu*., Li, Jingwei., Song, Xiaojie. 2018. The impact of environmental regulation, shadow economy, and corruption on environmental quality: Theory and empirical evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production 195: 200-214. (SCI,AJG/ABS二星,2022年7月入选ESI热点论文)
[108] Li, Boying., Hao, Yu*., Zhang, Chun-Ping*. 2018. Does an anticorruption campaign deteriorate environmental quality? Evidence from China. Energy & Environment 29(1): 67-94. (SSCI)
[109] Hao, Yu*., Wang, Ling’ou., Zhu, Lingyun., Ye, Minjie. 2018. The dynamic relationship between energy consumption, investment and economic growth in China's rural area: New evidence based on provincial panel data. Energy 154: 374-382. (SCI)
[110] Hao, Yu*., Deng, Yuxin., Lu, Zhi-Nan., Chen, Hao. 2018. Is environmental regulation effective in China? Evidence from city-level panel data. Journal of Cleaner Production 188: 966-976. (SCI,2021年5月入选ESI高被引论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[111] Zhang, Zongyong., Hao, Yu*., Lu, Zhi-Nan., Deng, Yuxin. 2018. How does demographic structure affect environmental quality? Empirical evidence from China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 133: 242-249. (SCI)
[112] Hu, Haiqing., Chang, Chun-Ping., Dong, Minyi., Meng, Wei-Na., Hao, Yu*. 2018. Does environmental information disclosure affect the performance of energy-intensive firms’ borrowing ability? Evidence from China. Energy & Environment 29(5): 685-705. (SSCI)
[113] Hao, Yu., Chang, Chun-Ping*., Sun, Zao. 2018. Women and corruption: evidence from multinational panel data. Quality and Quantity. 52: 1447-1468. (SSCI)
[114] Zhang, Qianxue., Liao, Hua., Hao, Yu*. 2018. Does one path fit all? An empirical study on the relationship between energy consumption and economic development for individual Chinese provinces. Energy 150: 527-543. (SCI)
[115] Zhang, Shengling., Li, Yue., Hao, Yu*., Zhang, Yipeng. 2018. Does public opinion affect air quality? Evidence based on the monthly data of 109 prefecture-level cities in China. Energy Policy 116: 299-311. (SCI/SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[116] Hao, Yu*., Wang, Lingou., Fan, Weiyang., Wei, Yaoyao., Wen, Tong., Zhang, Kun. 2018. What determines China's electricity consumption? New evidence using the logarithmic mean Divisia index method. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10(1): 015909. (SCI)
[117] Zhang, Chun-Ping., Wen, Jun., Zheng, Mingbo., Dong, Minyi., Hao, Yu*. 2018. Is higher government efficiency conducive to improving energy use efficiency? Evidence from OECD countries. Economic Modelling 72: 65-77. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[118] Huang, Junbing., Liu, Qiang., Cai, Xioachen., Hao, Yu*., Lei, Hongyan. 2018. The effect of technological factors on China's carbon intensity: New evidence from a panel threshold model. Energy Policy 115: 32-42. (SCI/SSCI,2019年3月入选ESI高被引论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[119] Zhang, Chun-Ping., Wen, Jun., Dong, Minyi., Hao, Yu*. 2018. Does government ideology affect environmental pollutions? New evidence from instrumental variable quantile regression estimations. Energy Policy 113: 386-400. (SCI/SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[120] Hao, Yu., Wei, Wei., Chang, C.-P*. 2018. Are women more likely than men to oppose corruption in China? Not yet. Applied Economics Letters 25(3): 152-157. (SSCI,AJG/ABS一星)
[121] Dong, Xiaoying., Hao, Yu.* 2018. Would income inequality affect electricity consumption? Evidence from China. Energy 142: 215-227. (SCI)
[122] Hao, Yu*., Peng, Hui., Temulun, T., Liu, Liqun., Mao, Jie., Lu, Zhinan., Chen, Hao. 2018. How harmful is air pollution to economic development? New evidence from PM2.5 concentrations of Chinese cities. Journal of Cleaner Production 172: 743-757. (SCI,2018年9月入选ESI高被引论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[123] Hao, Yu*., Peng, Hui. 2017. On the convergence in China's provincial per capita energy consumption: New evidence from a spatial econometric analysis. Energy Economics 68C: 31-43. (SSCI,AJG/ABS三星)
[124] Liu, Yiming., Hao, Yu*., & Gao, Yixuan. 2017. The environmental consequences of domestic and foreign investment: Evidence from China. Energy Policy 108, 271-280. (SCI/SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2021年7月入选ESI高被引论文)
[125] Huang, Junbing*., Du, Dan., Hao, Yu*. 2017. The driving forces of the change in China’s energy intensity: an empirical research using DEA-Malmquist and spatial panel estimations. Economic Modelling 65: 41-50. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星,2019年1月入选ESI高被引论文)
[126] Chang, C.-P., Hao, Yu*. 2017. Environmental performance, corruption and economic growth: global evidence using a new data set. Applied Economics 49(5): 498-514. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[127] Luo, Guangyu., Weng, Jia-His., Zhang, Qianxue, Hao, Yu*. 2017. A Reexamination of the Existence of Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emissions: Evidence from G20 Countries. Natural Hazards 85(2): 1023-1042. (SCI)
[128] Hao, Yu*., Dong, Xiao-Ying., Deng, Yu-Xin., Li, Ling-Xi., Ma, Ye. 2016. What influences personal purchases of new energy vehicles in China? An empirical study based on a survey of Chinese citizens. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8, 065904. (SCI)
[129] Hao, Yu*., Chen, Heyin., Zhang, Qianxue. 2016. Will income inequality affect Environmental Quality? -- Analysis Based on China's Provincial Panel Data. Ecological Indicators 67: 533-542. (SCI)
[130] Hao, Yu*., Liu, Yi-Ming. 2016. The influential factors of urban PM2.5 concentrations in China: a spatial econometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 112: 1443-1453. (SCI,2016年 11月入选ESI高被引论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[131] Hao, Yu*., Liu, Yiming., Weng, Jia-Hsi., Gao, Yixuan. 2016. Does the Environmental Kuznets Curve for coal consumption in China exist? New evidence from spatial econometric analysis. Energy, 114, 1214-1223. (SCI)
[132] Hao, Yu*., Chen, Hao., Wei, Yi-Ming., Li, Yi-Mei. 2016. The influence of climate change on CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions – An empirical estimation based on Chinese provincial panel data. Journal of Cleaner Production 131: 667-677. (SCI,2017年 11月入选ESI高被引论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[133] Hao, Yu*., Zhang, Zong-Yong., Liao, Hua., Wei, Yi-Ming. 2015. China’s farewell to coal: A forecast of coal consumption through 2020. Energy Policy 86: 444-455. (SSCI/SCI,2018年5月入选ESI高被引论文,AJG/ABS二星)
[134] Hao, Yu., Liao, Hua, Wei, Yi-Ming*. 2015. Is China’s carbon reduction target allocation reasonable? An analysis based on carbon intensity convergence. Applied Energy 142: 229–239. (SCI)
[135] Hao, Yu., Wei, Yi-Ming*. 2015. When does the Turning Point in China’s CO2 Emissions Occur? Results Based on the Green Solow Model. Environment and Development Economics 20(6): 723-745. (SSCI,AJG/ABS二星)
[136] Hao, Yu*., Liu, Yi-Ming. 2015. Has the development of FDI and foreign trade contributed to China’s CO2 emissions? An empirical study with provincial panel data. Natural Hazards 76(2): 1079-1091. (SCI)
[137] 郝宇. 中国经济增长与环境质量关系:基于环境库兹涅茨曲线的研究. 科学出版社,2020.
[138] 郝宇. 破解我国能源地理困局的对策研究. 人民论坛, 第3期, 64-67页, 2023. (CSSCI)
[139] 郝宇. 新型能源体系的重要意义和构建路径. 人民论坛, 第21期, 34-37页, 2022. (CSSCI)
[140] 郝宇. 欧洲能源危机的根源与影响. 人民论坛, 第7期, 102-105页, 2022. (CSSCI)
[141] 郝宇. 数字经济推动社会主义生产、生活、生态高质量发展:现实挑战、影响因素与政策设计. 贵州省党校学报, 第6期, 85-94页, 2022.
[142] 郝宇. 碳市场与发展权之争. 探索与争鸣, 第9期, 16-19页, 2021. (CSSCI)
[143] 郝宇,颜杰. 绿色信贷政策对高污染高耗能企业财务绩效和经营风险的影响,环境经济研究, 第2期, 34-49页, 2020.
[144] 郝宇, 赵明远, 高尚. 新贸易形势下中国能源经济预测与展望,北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 第2期, 12-19页, 2019. (CSSCI)
[145] 郝宇, 王泠鸥, 吴烨睿. 新时代中国能源经济预测与展望,北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 第2期, 8-14页, 2018. (CSSCI)
[146] 郝宇, 郑少卿, 彭辉.“供给侧改革”背景下中国能源经济形势展望,北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 第2期, 28-34页, 2017. (CSSCI)
[147] 郝宇, 张宗勇, 廖华. 中国能源“新常态”:“十三五”及2030年能源经济展望,北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 第2期, 1-7页, 2016. (CSSCI)
[148] 郝宇, 廖华, 魏一鸣. 中国能源消费和电力消费的环境库兹涅茨曲线:基于面板数据空间计量模型的分析, 中国软科学, 第1期, 134-147页, 2014. (CSSCI)
[149] 郝宇, 张千雪. 中国人均SO2排放的省际收敛性:基于面板数据的实证分析. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版). 第3期, 1-9页, 2015. (CSSCI)
[150] 魏一鸣,廖华,唐葆君,郝宇. 中国能源报告(2016):能源市场研究. 科学出版社, 2016.
[151] 魏一鸣,廖华,王科,郝宇. 中国能源报告(2014):能源贫困研究. 科学出版社, 2014.
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:产业集聚与互联网发展对中国环境污染的影响:基于工业企业与地级市匹配数据的研究。项目批准号:72073010。研究时间:2021-2024。
[3] 国家自然科学基金国际(中德)合作与交流项目:面向可持续发展的中国和德国城市能源与环境转型研究。项目批准号:71761137001。研究时间:2018-2020。
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:政府支出对能源消费和空气污染的影响:基于空间相关性的研究。项目批准号:71403015。研究时间:2015-2017。
[5] 北京市自然科学基金面上项目:京津冀地区一体化进程中的雾霾治理:基于空间相关性和政府支出特点的研究。项目批准号:9162013。研究时间:2016-2018。
[6] 2017年北京市社会科学基金研究基地项目重点项目:经济转型背景下京津冀地区人口结构性变化与雾霾关系的机理和实证研究。项目编号:17JDYJA009。研究时间:2017.07-2020.06。
[7] 浙江省科技厅一般软科学研究项目:浙江工业企业绿色技术创新的经济绩效、环境效应与激励政策研究。项目批准号:2022C35060。研究时间:2022-2023。
[1] 国家自然科学基金创新群体:资源环境经济协同发展管理。项目批准号:72321002。研究时间:2024-2028(方向负责人。主持人:王兆华)。
[1]. 2020年北京理工大学研究生教育培养综合改革项目:研究生课程思政示范课程:环境经济学。项目号:2020KCSZ009。时间:2020。
[2]. 2018年北京理工大学研究生教学水平建设项目:“明星”课程培育项目:环境经济学。项目号:2018MXKC009。时间:2018-2019。
[3]. 2018年北京理工大学研究生教学水平建设项目:“教学模式改革”课程培育:高级宏观经济学。项目号:2018JXMS022。时间:2018-2019。
[4]. 2017年北京理工大学研究生教学水平建设项目:“明星”课程培育项目:高级宏观经济学。项目批准号:2017K-26。时间:2017-2018。
[1] 北京理工大学“双一流”本科人才培养专项:面向“世界一流”专业的信息管理与信息系统专业核心课程对标建设。时间:2017-2020。
[1] 2017年度霍英东教育基金会第十六届高等院校青年教师奖三等奖。
[2] 2017年北京高校青年教师社会调研成果一等奖。
[3] 2016年北京高校青年教师社会调研成果一等奖。
[4] 2019年北京高校师生服务新时代首都发展“双百行动计划”教师组优秀项目。
[5] 2019年北京市普通高校优秀本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师(本科毕业生:宋歌,本科毕业论文:《The Impact of Environmental Protection Investment on Enterprise Performance under the Background of Economic Globalization in China: Evidence from Listed Companies in Heavy Pollution Industries》)。
[6] 2021年北京理工大学硕士研究生校级优秀论文指导教师(硕士毕业生:晏国耀,硕士学位论文:《环境问题对居民腐败感知的影响研究》)。
[7] 2021年北京理工大学硕士研究生校级优秀论文指导教师(硕士毕业生:巴宁,硕士学位论文:《城市公共交通系统对空气污染的影响分析》)。
[8] 2019年北京理工大学硕士研究生校级优秀论文指导教师(硕士毕业生:王泠鸥,硕士学位论文:《中国土地财政对经济增长及碳排放的影响研究》)。
[9] 2018年北京理工大学硕士研究生校级优秀论文指导教师(硕士毕业生:彭辉,硕士学位论文:《空气污染对居民健康和相关经济损失的影响研究》)。
[10] 2019年度北京理工大学第十六届“世纪杯”学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖指导教师(项目名称:我国经济增长与碳排放的关系测度——基于Tapio脱钩理论的实证分析)。
[11] 2017年度北京理工大学第十四届“世纪杯”学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖指导教师(项目名称:大学生消费信贷需求及其影响分析)。
[12] 2018年度北京理工大学“十佳优秀大学生创新训练项目”指导教师(项目名称:经济“新常态”背景下中国电力消费的影响因素与空间分布研究,项目负责人:范魏阳)。
[13] 2016年度北京理工大学“十佳优秀大学生创新训练项目”指导教师(项目名称:中国省际与市级人均二氧化硫排放量的收敛性研究,项目负责人:张千雪)。
[14] 2016年超星杯首届卓越大学联盟高校青年教师教学能力大赛优秀奖。
[15] 2016 年北京理工大学优秀班主任。